
Your Business

Level 1 Beginner

Embrace Your Business Level 1 for beginners is a short program designed to clarify your business messaging and build trust for your business.

4 Ways to Learn

  • Online self-study course
  • Work one to one with Shanan in a customized, individual program in person or virtual
  • Group learning experience using Zoom
  • Purchase the Embrace Your Business Beginner Notebook

Message from the creator


This program can be completed in a few hours or a few days.

Whatever you are willing to put into it is what you will get out of it.

Self reflection is the key to growth.

Why Help People Grow Their Business?

I want to help small businesses understand how to improve their communications so they can build trust for their business. The content in Embrace Your Business Level 1 is essentially the same whether you buy the workbook, sign up for the online course, join the group learning experience, or work one to one with me.

The difference is how you learn.

This is my specialty. I have been designing various forms of learning experiences since 2009 and I use my expertise to demonstrate that each interaction a small business has with a potential client is a LEARNING experience. When you communicate well, people will remember you and start to trust you. Let me help you learn how.



Business Messaging

Answer questions about who you are and what you do.


How You Do Business

Learn about values and focus on who you are trying to help.


Business Goals

Work through questions to identify the priorities in your business.


Introduction to Networking

Answer some reflection questions about your strengths, then connect your business goals to networking goals, and learn to network in a heart-centred way.

Work through the material on your own time at your own pace. Read all the articles provided, answer the questions on the worksheets and really dig in to how you want to do business.

Why choose to learn ONLINE?

Shanan guides you through the Embrace Your Business Beginner Notebook in six sessions in person, or virtually. This is individualized, customized, one to one support.

Why choose to work ONE TO ONE with Shanan?

In six group sessions, Shanan guides you through the Embrace Your Business Beginner Notebook. The group offers brainstorming, support, and a trusted referral network for your business.

Why choose to join a GROUP learning experience?

Answer the questions in this gorgeous full colour workbook and really dig in to how you want to run your business. The workbook offers self paced learning and reflection with a permanent record of where your business was and where it is going.

Why choose to purchase the WORKBOOK?

What is the investment?

  • Online course is $23.50
  • One to one program is $600.00
  • Group learning experience is $193.50
  • Workbook is $25.00

Register for the ONLINE course

At your own pace, on your own time, work through the four topics by completing the worksheets and watching the videos. It could take a few hours, or a few days depending on how long you invest in answering the questions on the worksheets.

Work one to one with Shanan

Virtually or in person, Shanan will meet with you and guide you through the thought provoking questions in the Embrace Your Business Beginner Notebook (included in the cost). This is individualized, customized support with a focus on clarifying your business communications.

Join a group learning experience

Six Zoom sessions with Shanan leading you through the Embrace Your Business Beginner Notebook (included in the cost). You choose how much time to invest in your homework. The group sessions involve discussions where you learn from others in a group brainstorming environment.

Purchase the workbook

The Embrace Your Business Beginner Notebook is a gorgeous full colour workbook with thoughtful questions to inspire you to reflect on your business and how you want to grow it in a heart-centred way. There is a list of other resources and articles to support your learning. This workbook will remind you how far you have come.

Questions about payment plans?

It is OK to ask.

Many of us struggle with finances. I've been there.

Embrace Network offers flexibility in payment plans. Include your email below and Shanan will reach out so we can create a plan that works for you.

Embrace Network is a learning network providing opportunities to connect while you learn and grow.

More about Shanan

Embrace Network

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